Genome Stability and Organization


All living organisms face the challenge of copying their genetic material at each generation and
transmitting this material during cell divisions. Defects in many of these steps are the cause of
cancers and other pathologies in humans.

The symposium of Genome Stability and Organization is organized on the occasion of the
summer school and the lecturers of the school, who are internationally renowned scientists from
the field of DNA replication, DNA repair, recombination, chromosome segregation, meiosis, epigenetics,
and chromatin/chromosome structure, will provide presentations. The school participants (students and
postdocs) will also provide posters.

The symposium is in-person only and open to the research community.

This symposium is organized by the Institute of Human Genetics with the University of Montpellier
and with the initiative of the Sasakawa Foundation, to promote France/Japan cooperation.

Please register on the “Registration” page, and then pay the registration fee (55€) by following
the instruction on the “Registration Fee Payment” page.


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